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This course introduces the C# (C-Sharp) programming language using the Microsoft Visual Studio Interactive Development Environment (IDE). Visual Studio Community Edition, is a free download from the Microsoft download website.  The steps and figures in our textbook assume you are using the Community edition of either Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2022. Your steps and screen might differ slightly in some instances if you are using a different edition of Visual Studio. 

Application project development using graphics user interface forms, event driven programming, procedural and object-oriented paradigms, and fundamental data structures. Applications will access data from forms, files, and databases.

NOTE: Visual Studio for the Mac does not work with C#. You need a Windows machine or use the machines in the CIS classrooms and lab.

Students should have previous programming experience (CIS251).


  • Describe the underlying structure and components of an event-driven windows application.
  • Design simple and multi-form solutions that meet user specifications.
  • Apply appropriate simple data types and control structures when developing a .NET application.
  • Create windows applications using object-oriented programming concepts.
  • Utilize appropriate structured data types in a windows application.
  • Integrate a windows application with external sources including files and databases.
  • Create a tested, debugged windows application with an input validated graphics user interface and data storage back-end.
CIS Program web site:

Note: All assignments are DUE by 11:59 PM on the Thursday they are listed as being DUE!
Quizes are available for seven (7) days from when the chapter quiz is listed.
Quizes are based on the chapters from the Murach textbook.

Week Date Textbook Reading Chapter Assignments
& Quizzes
& Quizzes Due
1 Aug 27/29 Getting Started in CIS400

How to get started with Visual Studio
Appendix A

Brief Introduction

2 Sep 3/5

How to design a Windows from app

How to code and test a Windows form app

2 & 3

Apply | A1 Design the Invoice Total form

Brief Introduction Due
3 Sep 10/12

How to work with numeric and string data

How to code control structures

4 & 5

4 Sep 17/19

How to code methods and events

How to handle exceptions and validate data

6 & 7

Quiz 1 Chapters 1-6

Apply | A2 Develop the Future Value app

A1 Design the Invoice Totyal form Due

5 Sep 24/26

How to use arrays and collections

How to work with dates and strings

8 & 9 A2 Develop the Future Vaue app Due
6 Oct 1/3

More skills for working with Windows Forms

How to debug an app

10 & 11

Apply | A3 Enhance the Future Value app

Quiz 1 Due

7 Oct 8/10 How to create and use classes 12 A3 Enhance the Future Value App Due 
  Oct 15 Fall Recess - No Classes
8 Oct 17 How to work with indexers, delegates, events, and operators 13

Quiz 2 Chapters 8-12

Apply | A4 Create the Payment app

 Quiz 2 Due
9 Oct 22/24

How to work with inheritance

How to organize, document, and test your classes

14 & 16

A4 Create the Payment app Due
10 Oct 29/31 How to work with file I/O 17 Apply | A5 Create a Customer Maintenance app that uses classes
11 Nov 5/7 An introduction to database programming 19 Apply | A6 Work with a text file and a binary file
12 Nov 12/14 How to use ADO to write your own data access code 21 Apply | A7 Create a Customer Maintenance app that uses a grid A5 Create a Customer maintenace app that uses classes Due 
13 Nov 19/21 How to use the DataGridView control 22 Quiz 3 Chapters 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22 A6 Work with a text fioe and a binary file Due 
14 Nov 26 TBD Lab Apply | A8 Create an Invoice Line Item Display app

A7 Create a Customer Maienance app that uses a grid Due 

  Nov 27-30 Thanksgiving Recess - No Classes
15 Dec 3/5 TBD Lab Quiz 3 Due
A8 Create an Invoice Line Item app Due
  Dec 6 Last day of classes All Work Due By 11:59 PM Tonight

Chapters 15, 18, and 20 will not be covered.


Students will be graded on:

  • A "Brief Introduction" worth two (2) points. 
  • Six (6) assignments, each worth six (8) points. and two (2) assignments worth ten (10) points. These assignments will utilize the C# programming language. 
    Late penalty: -.5 point per week (or part of a week) late. The maximum late penalty is -1.5 points.
  • Three (3) online quizzes, each worth ten (10) points. These quizzes come from the chapters in the Murach textbook. You may submit each quiz multiple times. Your last submission will be the grade that counts.
    Late penalty: -.5 point per week (or part of a week) late.

  • "Connect with Professor Gerland on LinkedIn" will be worth one (1) extra credit point.
  • You may always resubmit any quiz or assignment to be re-graded for additional points.
  • I normally grade assignments within two (2) business days after they are submitted. Quizzes are automatically graded unless there is an essay queston or the quiz is submitted late.
  • Final grades will be based on total points.
  • The final letter grades be based on the following table:
    Numeric Grades to Letter Grade Table
    Grade Range   Grade Range
    A 100 - 95   C+ 79 - 77
    A- 94 - 90   C 76 - 74
    B+ 89 - 87   C- 73 - 70
    B 86 - 84   D 69 - 60
    B- 83 - 80   F 59 - 0

Murach C#Murach's C# 8th Edition
Publisher: Murach
Print ISBN: 9781943873074, 1943873070
etext isbn: 9781943873081,1943873089
Author(s): Joel Murach, Anne Boehm
Edition: 8th
Copyright: 2023

You can download the data files and slides from my CIS400 Murach website. The files and slides for each chapter are also available in the link in the Weeky Module for that chapter.

Book is recommended (online tests are based on this textbook) 

Course Software

  • Visual Studio Community Edition, is a free download from the Microsoft download website.
  • NOTE: Visual Studio for the Mac does not work with C#. You need a Windows machine or use the machines in the CIS classrooms and lab.


Introduction | Home Page | CSS Pages | Table Page | HTML5 Page | CSS Effects
Form Page | Multimedia Pages | JavaScript Page | Form Validation | Wow Me | Final

Brief Introduction (1 Point)

For this assignment you will login to your Blackboard account and post a brief (75-100 words) introduction about yourself to the Brief Introduction Discussion forum for this course. Use the Add New Thread button and make the Subject line your name. Also, include any relevant course(s) you've taken that might help you in this course. This will give me a better idea of where each of us are in our understanding and experience with electronic commerce concepts and design. Please include a photo of yourself so we can get to know each other.

Back to Assignments

Create Your Home Page (10 Points)

For this Assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a web page called index.html in your account web space which will be used as the starting page for the rest of your Assignments for this course. Your web page should:

  • Utilize the following HTML tags and include the following:
    • Appropriate <!doctype html>, <html>, and <head> tags.
    • A <title> tag to give your page a title that describes your page.
    • Appropriate <meta> tags to provide keywords for SEO on your page.
    • A <body> tag.
    • An <h1> tag that contains your name.
    • A <p> tag that encloses a brief paragraph about yourself.
    • An <img> tag with appropriate src and alt element values that insert a graphic image on your page. Use CSS to define the width, and height values and other styling. I would prefer that it was an image of yourself so we can get to "know" each other. However, it doesn't matter at this time what the graphic is as long as it is legal and moral.
    • An <ol> tag that contains enough <li> tags that list the remaining Assignments for this course (see list in navigation bar above).
    • At least one of each of these tags: <hr />, <br>.
  • Use CSS in place of any <b> (<b>) or <em> (<i>) tags.
  • Use a linked CSS styles file to control and enhance the look and feel of your web page. Your page should have easy to use navigation and be easy to read using appropriate styles.
  • Use JavaScript code to display the current Date and time and a JavaScript function that reads an array to display the ordered list (<ol> tag above) for the remaining assignments.

Your web URL to view your web page is:

You will add a link to this page that allows the user (and me) to view your work.

Your username and password for the machine is the same as your Buffalo State network username and password you used to log into this Blackboard account.

Now, whenever you login to your account you need to issue the command cd public_html to change to the sub-directory where you can create and maintain the files for your Assignments and Assignments.

You can use ssh to login to your account and then use either vi or Emacs to maintain your files or you can edit them on your PC and use an SFTP client (FileZilla for Windows or Fetch for a Mac) to move them from your PC to your account. For Windows it is even better to use Notepad++ for your editor since it has a built-in SFTP client. For Mac the better choice is TextWrangler which also has a built-in SFTP client.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Home Page Discussion Forum with the URL of your web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Create Cccading StyleSheets (CSS) Pages

For this Assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create four (4) new files:

  1. Three (3) new web pages, for example called inline.html, external.html, and embedded.html
  2. Another file for your external styles, for example called cis375.css

in your account just as you did in previous Assignments. One of your Assignment 2 web pages should use inline styles; the second web page should use embedded styles; and the third web page should use a linked style sheet. These web pages should change the default look for the following HTML tags:

  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, & h6
  • p
  • font color, family, and size
  • b (style="font-weight: bold")
  • table, th, tr, td

Each of these pages should also have a link back to your Assignment 1 web page.

You should then add Three (3) <a> (anchor) tags to your Home Page web page that opens your CSS web pages.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the CSS Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home Page web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Create a Table Web Page

For this Assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then a create web page, for example called table.html, in your account just as you did in Home Page Assignment. Your new web page should utilize the following HTML tags and include the following:

  • A body tag that uses an appropriate style value to change the background color of the web page.
  • Appropriate table, tr, th, and td tags to create a table that has three (3) columns (Font Faces, Font Sizes, Colors) and (5) five rows (different font faces, font sizes, and color codes in their appropriate face, size, and color). Use the th tag to create the headings for each column the background-color style value to change the color of the heading cells and the font-family and color style values to change the color of the font in the cell headings row. Use the background-color style value on the table tag to change the color of the background of your table to a different color than the background of your web page.
  • Appropriate style values that change the font, font size, and font color.

This page should also have a link back to your Assignment 1 web page.

You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page entry for this assignment that opens your Table web page.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Table Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Create an HTML5/CSS Compliant Web Page

For this assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a new web page, for example called html5.html, in your account just as you did in previous assignments. Copy your current CSS Embedded web page (embedded.html) to a new html5.html web page. Your index.html new web page link should open up a new web page that utilizes your HTML5 and CSS to include the following:

  • A correct DOCTYPE tag for HTML5
  • Convert any of your tags that are not compliant
  • Correct any of your CSS that is not valid

You can (and should) use the W3c validator page at to verify your code and to verify your CSS styles.

This web page should also have a link back to your Home Page web page.

You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your HTML5 web page.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the HTML5 Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home Page web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Add Special Effects to Your Web Page Using Cascading Style Sheets

For this assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook. Then copy your Web Page (index.html) to create a new web page (cssse.html). Then modify your new cssse.html and your original cis375.css file to add these features to your new cssse.html web page:

  • Use a style to change your graphic to be 50px wide by 50px tall (your picture will look scrunched, but that's OK)
  • Change the display font for your introductory paragraph to Verdana, serif
  • Float your graphic so it is on the right of your introductory paragraph and your introductory paragraph wraps around your image
  • Change your list of Assignment links to be an unordered list
  • Add a table similar to your Assignment 3 that displays with no borders around any of the cells
  • Add appropriate @media print styles so that when your page is printed (you can use the Print Preview feature of your web browser to see the different look):
    • Your home page graphic does not print
    • Your list of Assignment links are green
    • Your list of Assignments links is an unordered list
    • The font for your introductory paragraph is Arial, sans-serif
    • Your table prints with a borders around every cell

You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page that opens your CSS Advanced web page and add a link to your CSS Advanced web page that goes back to your Home Page web page.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the CSS Advanced Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Create a Form Web Page

For this assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a new web page, for example called form.html, in your account just as you did in previous assignments. This web page should utilize the following HTML tags and include the following:

  • A form tag that has an action value of mailto:your-email-address so that the results of what the user enters gets sent to your email address when it gets submitted.
  • input tags that allow the user to enter their:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Address
    • City
    • State/Province (this should use a select tag with option tags for each state name and state abbreviation
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • Phone
    • Email Address
  • An input tag that creates a submit button that says: OK Send My Data
  • Use appropriate fieldset and label tags
  • Use appropriate styles to give your form a nice look (color, alignment, organization, etc.)

You should utilize the new HTML5 form tag features. Use your favorite search engine (Bing, Google, Yahoo, whatever) and do a search for

   +html5 +form

to find lots of helpful information.

This web page should also have a link back to your Home Page web page.

You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your Form web page.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Form Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

Back to Assignments

Create a Multimedia Web Site

For this Assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a new web site of four (4) pages, for example multimedia.html, audio.html, video.html, and scrolling.html in your account just as you did in previous Assignments. Your Multimedia Assignment new web site should open up a new web page that utilizes hypertext links to allow me to visit your three (3) web pages.

  • use your cis375.css and cssse.css files to "enhance" the look and feel of each page
  • create one (1) page that uses an <a href ...> tag to link to a sound clip *and* an <audio> tag to link to a sound clip
  • create one (1) page that uses an <a href ...> tag to link to a video clip *and* an <video> tag to link to a video clip *and* an <iframe> tag to play a video hosted on a remote server (for example, YouTube)
  • create one (1) page that uses JavaScript to display a scrolling text message or some other animated text. Use your favorite search engine (Bing, Google, Yahoo, whatever) and do a search for this JavaScript routine.
  • The sounds and audio clips can be either uploaded to your account or you can link to clips that exist somewhere on the Internet as long as you respect copyright laws and the clips are ethical and moral.

    This web page should also have a link back to your Assignment 1 web page.

    You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your Multimedia web page.

    When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Multimedia Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home Page web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

    Back to Assignments

    Create a JavaScript Web Page

    For this assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a new web page file, for example called javascript.html, in your account just as you did in previous assignments. This web page should use JavaScript functions to include the following:

    • the current date
    • the current time
    • uses an if construct to print out either:
      how many days are left until this Assignment is due
      how many days have past since this Assignment was due
    • a table that has 12 rows and 3 columns which is created using a for loop to read through a set of JavaScript arrays that contain the names of the months and the number of days in each month. The table should look similar to this:
      Days in
      1 January 31
      2 February 28/29
      3 March 31
    • uses the JavaScript mod operator (%) to highlight every other row of the above table with a different color to make it easier to read.
      Hint: if you use % to divide the loop counter by 2 and there is no remainder that means the loop counter is an even number and so you need to highlight that row.

    This web page should also have a link back to your Home Page web page.

    You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your JavaScript web page.

    When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the JavaScript Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home Page web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

    Back to Assignments

    Add JavaScript Validation to Your Web Form Page

    For this assignment you should first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and also the Form Validation with JavaScript web page listed in the Useful Links section and also search the Internet using your favorite search engine site (Bing, Google, MSN, Yahoo, whatever) for:

    +javascript +form +validation

    and then create a new web page file, for example called validation.html, in your account just as you did in previous assignments. This web page should build on your Web Page Form Assignment and use JavaScript functions to include the following:

    • display the current date and time
    • display a set of radio buttons that allow the user to change the background color and the text color of the web page by clicking on the desired radio button
    • advise the user filling out your form with a sentence above the form noting that certain fields are required and using CSS to either make those fields red or placing a CSS styled bold red asterisk (*) next to each required field
    • validate the form fields according to these validation rules:pops up a JavaScript alert window advising the user exactly what field did not pass the validation checks
      • First Name and Last Name are not empty
      • Zip Code is either:
        only 5 numbers
        in the format 99999-9999
      • Phone Number is either:
        only 10 numbers
        in the format (999) 999-9999
      • Email has one and only one @character, has at least one character before the @character, and has at least one character and a dot and at least 2 characters after the @sign.
        not valid:
        not valid: gerlanjr@buffalostateedu
        not valid:
    • places the cursor back in the invalid field after the user clicks the OK button on the alert window if there is a validation problem.

    This web page should also have a link back to your Home Page web page.

    You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your Form Validation web page.

    When you have this assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Form Validation Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home web page so I can click on that link and open your assignments in a new browser window (target="_blank").

    Back to Assignments

    HTML5 Wow Me

    For this Assignment you will first read the appropriate chapters in the textbook and then create a new set of web pages in your account with with appropriate additions to your cis375.css file just as you did in previous Assignments. This set of web pages will show off what you may have learned about HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript outside of this course (kind of what I would have covered in the second semester of this course if it existed). Things like the <canvas> tag with corresponding JavaScript code to draw on that canvas. Or advanced <form> features or HTML5 Geo-location or Drag and Drop or Math or other "cool things" that can be demonstrated with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, such as animation, etc.

    Each of these pages should also have a navigation section that links to each of the other pages in this assignment and back also to your Assignment 1 web page. You should utilize everything you learned from the Krug Don't Make Me Think book.

    You should then add an <a> (anchor) tags to your Home Page web page that opens your HTML5 Final Assignment web pages.

    When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the HTML5 Final Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home Page web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

    Back to Assignments

    Krug Book Essay/Presentation (Extra Credit)

    For this Assignment you should finished reading Steve Krug's book, Don't Make Me Think. You will write an Essay summarizing the guiding principles in that book. Your essay will be developed in Microsoft Word and contain a cover page along with your 500 word essay. You will also create a PowerPoint presentation with a welcome slide, at least 5 additional slides covering the guiding principles of the book and a final slide with your contact information. You will create a web page that follows the guiding principles of Don't Make Me Think. This we page will contain a well designed navigation to your home page and each of the other Assignments. This page will also contain links to your Essay Word document and Presentation PowerPoint slide show.

    You should then add an <a> (anchor) tag to your Home Page web page that opens your Essay web page.

    When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should post a note in the Essay Discussion Folder with the URL of your Home web page so I can click on that link and open your Assignment in a new browser window (target="_blank").

    You only need to do this assignment if you need the extra credit to help you get to the next highest letter grade.

    Back to Assignments


This is a hybrid course which will have in-class meetings for discussions and also utilize Brightspace for chapter-based discussions and tests. Students are expected to login at minimum multiple times each week for course announcements, assignments, quizzes, discussions,etc.

Faculty/Instructor: I can be reached by e-mail with questions or for guidance that are concerned with this course. You should expect that I will reply to your message within 1-2 business days. Specific course-related questions (textbook, tests, discussions, etc.) should be posted in Brightspace so everyone can benefit from the questions and answers.

Students: If you have multiple e-mail accounts, please be sure that you access (or forward) your Buffalo State e-mail. Your Buffalo State e-mail is the account I will use to send course-related materials.


About Cell Phones, IPhones and IStuff ("HANDS OFF POLICY")
Before entering the classroom, turn off all cell phones, SmartPhones, IStuff, and other electronic devices. These devices are disruptive and their use during a lecture is rude to the class and instructor.

  1. No electronic devices should be in your hands during class. This means no fiddling with your phones, reading/sending text messages, etc.
  2. If you are expecting an important phone call or are compelled to play with Apps, do not attend class.
  3. If you feel you have a legitimate reason to use an electronic device in the classroom, see me to obtain explicit permission.

This course utilizes BlackboardLearn to facilitate online communication between course participants. Please keep in mind the following "Rules of Netiquette" when communicating online.

  • The rules of the classroom are the same regardless of location. Remember just because you're interacting online, doesn't mean you stop having respect for your professors, and fellow classmates. You're communicating with a real person, not a computer screen.
  • Remember your audience. When communicating online it's important to remember who you're communicating with. When sending a message to a professor, please refrain from using "text speak". For example, Shakespeare never intended for you to type "2B or not 2B". Also, stay away from typing in all capital letters; it will appear as if you're shouting.
  • Avoid b language. Language can easily be misinterpreted in an online setting. Be sure to review your work before submitting, making sure the reader won't be able to misinterpret it as b, or offensive. Sarcasm doesn't translate well online. Your audience can't see your facial expressions, or body language. Try to be as straight forward and professional as possible.
  • Read everything, twice. Be sure to thoroughly read all course materials before beginning to work on your assignments. If you have a question, or need clarification, re-read the materials. You may have glanced over an important detail the first time. If you're still having difficulties, then e-mail your professor.
  • Review all materials before submitting. When responding to discussion board posts, be sure to read all previous postings before you post your own. This way you won't duplicate someone else's comments. Also, it's a good idea to write, and save your work in Microsoft Word first. In case of a technical issue, you have a backup copy.

Policy Regarding Absences, Attendance, Assignments, Exams, etc.

  • Class Attendance and Absences
    As many online activities will be completed throughout the semester, participation in our Brightspace Discussion Forums is expected. In the case of exceptional circumstances that result in you not being able to participate in a timely manner, you must contact me prior to the start of your absence (either by e-mail or by leaving a telephone message). Please be aware that a prolonged absence from Brightspace under these circumstances does not excuse you from any required assignments.
  • Late Assignments
    All assignments are due at the designated time and due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. If there are circumstances that will preclude you from turning in assignments on the due date, it is imperative that you discuss the situation with the instructor prior o the due date.
  • Exams and Final Exam
    See grading for information about quizzes and exams in this course.
  • Disability Policy
    If you have any disability which requires reasonable accommodations to enable you to participate in this course, please contact the Disability Services Office, 120 South Wing, (716) 878-4500, and also the instructor of this course during the first week of class. DSO will provide you with information and review appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations. Buffalo State Disability Services Office Web Site
  • Academic Integrity
    Reference: Academic Standards Web Site

    Students who are suspected of academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely in accordance with the Department and College Policy. This may include a grade of 0 for an assignment and/or failure in a course.

  • Academic Dishonesty: Actions that compromise academic integrity include, but are not limited to the following examples:
    • Previously submitted work: submitting academically required material that has been previously submitted - in whole or in substantial part - in another course, without prior and expressed consent of the instructor.
    • Plagiarism. Copying or receiving material from any source and submitting that material as one's own, without acknowledging and citing the particular debts to the source (quotations, paraphrases, asic ideas), or in any other manner representing the work of another as one's own.
    • Cheating. Soliciting and/or receiving information from, or providing information to, another student or any other unauthorized source (including electronic sources such as cellular phones and PDAs), with the intent to deceive while completing an examination or individual assignment.
    • Falsification of academic materials. Fabricating laboratory materials, reports, or any forms of computer data; forging an instructor's name or initials; resubmitting an examination or assignment for re-evaluation which has been altered without the instructor's authorization; or submitting a report, paper, materials, computer data, or examination (or any considerable part thereof) prepared by any person other than the student responsible for the assignment.
    • Misrepresentation of documents. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College or Official document, record, or instrument of identification.
    • Confidential academic materials. Procurement, distribution or acceptance of examinations r laboratory results without prior and expressed consent of the instructor.
    • Selling academic assignments. No person shall sell or offer for sale to any person enrolled at the Buffalo State any academic assignments, or any inappropriate assistance in the preparation, research, or writing of any assignment, which the sellers knows, or has reason to believe, is intended for submission in fulfilled of any course or academic program requirement.
    • Purchasing academic assignments. No person shall purchase an academic assignment intended for submission in fulfillment of any course or academic program requirement.