CIS 101 Computer Fundamentals

Brightspace Course: CIS101
Time and Place: 1:40 pm - 2:55 pm Tuesday/Thursday
Classroom: Technology Building 252
Office Hours: 7:30 - 7:55 AM Tu/Th 244 Tech (Virtual via MS Teams)
Instructor: James R. Gerland, Sr.
Email: (The best way to reach me)
US Mail Drop:
        Buffalo State College
        224 Technology Building
        Buffalo, NY 14222


The character, organization, and use of the computer. The function of the basic components of the computer. A broad survey of application software, as well as its impact on society. Hands-on experience using common software applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and communications required.


At the end of this course the student will:

  • understand the concepts of computer hardware and software.
  • understand the basics of how the INternet operates and how to use a web browser to find and traverse useful web sites.
  • Understand how to use Windows applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Lectures will consist of presentation of new material, demonstrations, reviews of assignments, and discussions of current readings and assignments. A substantial amount of outside work will be necessary to complete some of the assignments. Labs will consist of completing hands-on assignments.

The course will be conducted may a Hybrid format with an applied group-oriented undergraduate research approach. E-Mail, Blackboard Learn, and face-to-face in-class group meetings will be utilized as a means to address project based discussion.

Class Schedule

Note: All assignments and online tests are due by Midnight (morning) of the day they are listed as being due!

Date Textbook Reading Chapter Assignments
Sep 1 Course Introduction, Administrivia
The World of Technology
De Arazoza 1 Brief Introduction
Computer Concepts
Sep 3 Hardware De Arazoza 2 Brief Introduction Due
Windows 8 SimPath
Sep 8 Software De Arazoza 3 File Management SimPath
Sep 10 Internet De Arazoza 4 Internet Browsers SimPath
Sep 15 Microsoft Office Introduction Coulthard O-1 Overview The Microsoft Environment
Sep 17 Introduction to Word Coulthard W-1
Sep 22 Introduction to Word Lab Word: Chapter 1 SimPath
Sep 24 Writing a Research Paper Coulthard W-2 Word Résumé
Sep 29 Writing a Research Paper Lab Word: Chapter 2 SimPath
Oct 1 Enhancing Your Documents Coulthard W-3
Oct 6 Enhancing Your Documents Lab Word: Chapter 3 SimPath
Oct 8 Templates, Tabs, Tables, and Text Coulthard W-4
Oct 13 Introduction to Excel Coulthard E-1 Excel Budget
Word: Chapter 4 SimPath
Oct 15 Summarizing the Data in Excel Coulthard E-2 Excel: Chapter 1 SimPath
Oct 20 Advanced Formatting and Presenting Data in Excel Coulthard E-3 Word Résumé due
Excel: Chapter 2 SimPath
Oct 22 Working with Tables, Worksheets, and Workbooks Coulthard E-4 Excel: Chapter 3 SimPath
Oct 27 Excel Review Lab Excel: Chapter 4 SimPath
Oct 29 Introduction to PowerPoint Coulthard P-1
Nov 3 Enhancing Your Presentation Coulthard P-2 Excel Budget due
Nov 5 Enhancing Your Presentation Coulthard P-3 PowerPoint Slide ShowPowerPoint: Chapter 1 SimPath
Nov 10 Working with Objects Lab
Nov 12 Introduction to HTML/CSS Lab PowerPoint: Chapter 2 SimPath
Nov 17 HTML Navigation Lab
Nov 19 HTML Tables Lab PowerPoint: Chapter 3 SimPath
Nov 24 HTML Forms Lab
Nov 26 Thanksgiving Recess
Dec 1 HTML/CSS Lab PowerPoint Slide Show due
Dec 3 In-Class Presentations Attendance is required quezada
Dec 8 In-Class Presentations Attendance is required trower
Dec 10 In-Class Presentations CEP Day
Attendance is required
All Assignments Due

Assignments / Grading

  • Students will be graded on sixteen (16) Chapter SimPaths (in simnet) worth 5 points each.
  • There will be one (1) Brief Introduction Discussion forum Assignment five (3) points.
  • There will be one (1) Word Résumé Assignment five (5) points.
  • There will be one (1) Excel Budget Assignment five (5) points.
  • There will be one (1) PowerPoint Slide Show Assignment five (5) points.
  • There will be one (1) Final Assignment in-class PowerPoint Slide Show Presentation worth ten (10) points.
  • Final grades will be based on total points (108 available).
  • The final letter grades be based on the following table:
    Grade Range   Grade Range
    A 100 - 95 C+ 79 - 77
    A- 94 - 90 C 76 - 74
    B+ 89 - 87 C- 73 - 70
    B 86 - 84 D 69 - 60
    B- 83 - 80 F 59 - 0


Office 2013 ProjectLearn Cover Technology at Your Service
Authors: Ralph De Arazoza
ISBN: 9780073516875
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Copyright: 201
Data Files
Book is required.
Office 2013 ProjectLearn Cover Microsoft Office 2013 ProjectLearn .
Authors: Glen Coulthard, Micheal Orwick, Judith Scheeren
ISBN: 9780073519401
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Copyright: 2014
Data Files
simnet access to book is required.
OPTIONS FOR PURCHASING REQUIRED BOOKS: hard copy or digital/hard copy

Option 1 ($153.35): Traditional option: Buy at the bookstore -- shrink-wrapped custom package.

What’s in the custom package?
simnet: MS Office Suite 100% online simulation software. Access code for this is included in the shrink-wrapped package REQUIRED. The majority of your assignments will come from this online software.
Digital book access: Technology at Your Service by Ralph De Arazoza. This will be a digital book ONLY accessed through simnet.
Hard Copy: Microsoft Office 2013: ProjectLearn | 1st Edition | by Glen Coulthard, Judy Scheeren.

Option 2 ($101.00): 100% digital/library option.

What’s in the digital/library option?
simnet: MS Office Suite 100% online simulation software. REQUIRED. The majority of your assignments will come from this online software.

Digital book access: Technology At Your Service by De Arazoza. This will be a digital book accessed through simnet
Digital Copy: Microsoft Office 2013: ProjectLearn by Coulthard, Scheeren. This will be a digital book accessed through simnet.
If you decide you want to try the Hard copy? There are hard cover textbooks that you can borrow for a 2-hour period of time, "on reserve" in the Butler Library. What does this mean? You go to the reserve desk in the library (down the stairs, open counter in front of you), bring your SUNY BSC ID, and you can borrow the textbooks for a 2-hour period of time. The books cannot leave the library. If you damage or steal the book there will be a hold placed on your account, which can affect future registration and, in some cases, graduation.


You may share your texts with a friend. NO excuses accepted if your friend doesn’t share their hard copy of the book. simnet cannot not be shared. Apple/Mac computers are compatible with simnet. See the simnet system requirements. If for some reason your computer is not compatible with simnet you will have to find an acceptable alternative or use the on-campus computers.

Additional supplies

Head Phones – for simnet, in-class podcasts, tutorials and PowerPoint. These should be brought to class every day.
Tent Style Name Tag (explained in class)
Stapler, Notebook/folder, binder or folder to organize handouts.
USB (Thumb Drive) storage device.


Introduction | Résumé | Budget | Slide Show | Presentation

Brief Introduction (3 Points)

For this assignment you will login to your BlackboardLearn account and post a brief (75-100 words) introduction about yourself to the Brief Introduction Discussion forum for this course. Use the Create New Thread button and make the Subject line your name. Also, include any relevant course(s) you've taken that might help you in this course. This will give me a better idea of where each of us are in our understanding and experience with computer concepts and Windows applications. Please include a photo of yourself so we can get to know each other.

Back to Assignments

Word Résumé (5 Points)

For this assignment you will use Microsoft Word to create your résumé. You may design your résumé yourself or you can use any of the built-in résumé templates as a starting document. Your résumé should look professional. Since you may not have had any jobs yet, you may make up a few positions. You should include sections with your Objectives (career goals), Employment History, Education, and Other Activities (school clubs, volunteer work, etc.).

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should upload your Word document to the Word Résumé Assignment Folder so I can view and grade your work.

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Excel Bugdet (5 Points)

For this assignment you will use Microsoft Excel to create a yearly budget spreadsheet. You may design your budget yourself or you can use any of the built-in budget templates (Personal, Household, College, Wedding, etc.) as a starting document. Your budget should look professional. Since you may not have a real budget, you may make up the categories and numbers. Your spreadsheet should include:

  • At least 5 categories (utilities, food, rent, etc.)
  • One year (12 months)
  • Totals for each month and for the year
  • Average of each budget item for year
  • Format items and column headings and spreadsheet title
  • A chart detailing budget items by month on a separate sheet

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should upload your Word document to the Excel Budget Assignment Folder so I can view and grade your work.

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PowerPoint Slide Show (5 Points)

For this assignment you will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a PowerPoint slide show based on some feature or set of features in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. This slide show should include:

  • An opening title slide with appropriate information
  • An agenda or topic summary slide
  • At lease five (5) slides
  • A closing slide
  • A template or theme (colors, etc.)
  • A few images
  • Hyperlinks to your sources/references

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should upload your PowerPoint slides to the PowerPoint Slide Show Assignment Folder so I can view and grade your work.

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In-class Presentation (10 Points)

For this assignment you will create a slide show based on some feature or set of features in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Access taht we did not cover in class or that we covered but not in much detail. This slide show should include:

  1. An opening title slide with appropriate information
  2. An agenda or topic summary slide
  3. At lease five (5) additional slides
  4. A closing slide
  5. A template or theme (colors, etc.)
  6. A few images
  7. Hyperlinks to your sources/references

You will have 15 minutes to present your slide show to the class. You should be prepared to take questions from the class.

When you have this Assignment ready for me to view and grade you should upload your PowerPoint slides to the PowerPoint Slide Show Assignment Folder so I can view and grade your work.

Back to Assignments


This is a hybrid course which will have in-class meetings for discussions and also utilize Blackboard Learn for chapter-based discussions and tests. Students are expected to login at minimum multiple times each week for course announcements, assignments, quizzes, discussions,etc.

Faculty/Instructor: I can be reached by email with questions or for guidance that are concerned with this course. You should expect that I will reply to your message within 1-2 business days. Specific course-related questions (textbook, tests, discussions, etc.) should be posted in Blackboard Learn so everyone can benefit from the questions and answers.

Students: If you have multiple email accounts, please be sure that you access (or forward) your Buffalo State email. Your Buffalo State email is the account I will use to send course-related materials.


This course utilizes BlackboardLearn to facilitate online communication between course participants. Please keep in mind the following "Rules of Netiquette" when communicating online.

  • The rules of the classroom are the same regardless of location. Remember just because you're interacting online, doesn't mean you stop having respect for your professors, and fellow classmates. You're communicating with a real person, not a computer screen.
  • Remember your audience. When communicating online it's important to remember who you're communicating with. When sending a message to a professor, please refrain from using "text speak". For SimPathple, Shakespeare never intended for you to type "2B or not 2B". Also, stay away from typing in all capital letters; it will appear as if you're shouting.
  • Avoid strong language. Language can easily be misinterpreted in an online setting. Be sure to review your work before submitting, making sure the reader won't be able to misinterpret it as strong, or offensive. Sarcasm doesn't translate well online. Your audience can't see your facial expressions, or body language. Try to be as straight forward and professional as possible.
  • Read everything, twice. Be sure to thoroughly read all course materials before beginning to work on your assignments. If you have a question, or need clarification, re-read the materials. You may have glanced over an important detail the first time. If you're still having difficulties, then e-mail your professor.
  • Review all materials before submitting. When responding to discussion board posts, be sure to read all previous postings before you post your own. This way you won't duplicate someone else's comments. Also, it's a good idea to write, and save your work in Microsoft Word first. In case of a technical issue, you have a backup copy.

Policy Regarding Absences, Attendance, Assignments, SimPaths, etc.

  • Class Attendance and Absences
    As many online activities will be completed throughout the semester, participation in our Blackboard Learn Discussion Forums is expected. In the case of exceptional circumstances that result in you not being able to participate in a timely manner, you must contact me prior to the start of your absence (either by email or by leaving a telephone message). Please be aware that a prolonged absence from Blackboard Learn under these circumstances does not excuse you from any required assignments.
  • Late Assignments
    All assignments are due at the designated time and due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. If there are circumstances that will preclude you from turning in assignments on the due date, it is imperative that you discuss the situation with the instructor prior to the due date.
  • SimPaths and Final SimPath
    See grading for information about quizzes and SimPaths in this course.
  • Disability Policy
    If you have any disability which requires reasonable accommodations to enable you to participate in this course, please contact the Disability Services Office, 120 South Wing, (716) 878-4500, and also the instructor of this course during the first week of class. DSO will provide you with information and review appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations. Buffalo State Disability Services Office Web Site
  • Academic Integrity
    Reference: Academic Standards Web Site

    Students who are suspected of academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely in accordance with the Department and College Policy. This may include a grade of 0 for an assignment and/or failure in a course.

  • Academic Dishonesty: Actions that compromise academic integrity include, but are not limited to the following SimPathples:

    • Previously submitted work: submitting academically required material that has been previously submitted - in whole or in substantial part - in another course, without prior and expressed consent of the instructor.
    • Plagiarism. Copying or receiving material from any source and submitting that material as one's own, without acknowledging and citing the particular debts to the source (quotations, paraphrases, basic ideas), or in any other manner representing the work of another as one's own.
    • Cheating. Soliciting and/or receiving information from, or providing information to, another student or any other unauthorized source (including electronic sources such as cellular phones and PDAs), with the intent to deceive while completing an SimPathination or individual assignment.
    • Falsification of academic materials. Fabricating laboratory materials, notes, reports, or any forms of computer data; forging an instructor's name or initials; resubmitting an SimPathination or assignment for re-evaluation which has been altered without the instructor's authorization; or submitting a report, paper, materials, computer data, or SimPathination (or any considerable part thereof) prepared by any person other than the student responsible for the assignment.
    • Misrepresentation of documents. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College or Official document, record, or instrument of identification.
    • Confidential academic materials. Procurement, distribution or acceptance of SimPathinations or laboratory results without prior and expressed consent of the instructor.
    • Selling academic assignments. No person shall sell or offer for sale to any person enrolled at the Buffalo State any academic assignments, or any inappropriate assistance in the preparation, research, or writing of any assignment, which the sellers knows, or has reason to believe, is intended for submission in fulfilled of any course or academic program requirement.
    • Purchasing academic assignments. No person shall purchase an academic assignment intended for submission in fulfillment of any course or academic program requirement.